St. Patrick's Dental Clinic
Sharing God’s unconditional love through the ministry of healing
We the members of St. Patrick’s Dental Clinic community strive to build healthier lives by providing healthier dentition and strive to work hard in order to make the province self reliant.
How it all started:
The credit goes to Br. Aidan Courtney SVD to open a dental clinic in Indore in 1972. On his arrival in India, he started to work as a dentist first in Catholic Ashram Palda, residing there. His patients were mostly his own confreres, students of the SVD Juniorate of Palda and the novices of Khurda. Occasionally he visited the SVD Major Seminary, Pune and treated SVD seminarians and also others from the neighbouring seminaries.
Br. Aidan Curtney SVD is highly appreciated not only his professional skills but also the help in any matter he is able to render to the confreres and to the diocese through good relations with people of influences in the city of Indore and beyond. As Br. Aidan Courtney SVD expressed to stay in the bishop’s House and work in Palda, the matter went to regional’s meeting and all have agreed to it. He was promised by the Regional Superior as there was no room for even visitors so after some time we can find a place for you at the bishop’s house.
He had a deep desire to serve also the general public of Indore and consequently, he built up a dental clinic in the city itself; the present St. Patrick’s Dental Clinic. Br. Aidan Curtney SVD spent all his life here servicing the Religious, Priests and the general public till he died in 1999. At present, this noble work is continued by Br. Joseph Kallakavunkal SVD, the first Indian SVD dentist. It is to be specially remembered that poor patients, recommended by the confreres are treated free of charge in this clinic, a good practice started by Br. Aidan Curtney SVD himself. Br. Aidan got the dental units duty-free under the INDO- GERMAN AGREEMENT. The dental units remain the property of IGSSS and Br. Aidan is the end-user. Therefore he is no way authorized to sell or transfer the units. Br. Aidan was willing to contribute Rs. 150000 towards setting up a new unit for Br. Joseph Kallakaunkal SVD and was open to the possibility of Br. Joseph working full time at Nanadangar Clinic.
After the death of Br. Aidan in 1999, Br. Joseph Kallakavunkal SVD took over as the director till today. Meanwhile Fr. Michael Prakasam SVD was sent for BDS studies in Indore itself and later to Chennai where he did his MDS in Maxillofacial Surgery. He is also lecturer in Modern Dental College in Indore. in the year, another Bro. Kalaimani Paulraj SVD was sent for BDS studies in Indore and presently he is pursuing MDS in Oral Dental Surgery in Modern Dental College.
Important Dates to remember:
01/06/1966 While in Ireland, Br. Aidan writes to Regional Superior about his return to Indore as ‘I have not the virtue which I would take to live in Palda now’.
14/06/1966 Regional Superior writes back to Br. Aidan that he is willing to do everything to make the life in Indore satisfactory for him. As he expressed to stay in the bishop’s House and work in Palda, the matter went to regional’s meeting and all have agreed to it. Right now there is no room for even visitors so after some time we find a place for you at the bishop’s house.
16/07/1966 Sr. Baptista SSpS arranged Mr. Lawrence to work with Br. Aidan SVD
04/08/1966 Regional Superior, Fr. Alois Kloepper SVD writes to Br. Aidan to buy some parts for monotype machine at Sat Prachar Press as parts are not available in Delhi.
13/09/1966 Regional Superior, Fr. Alois Kloepper SVD writes to Br. Aidan regarding another companion Br. Ernest to work with him.
08/02/1967 Superior General Fr. John Musinsky SVD writes to Regional Superior regarding Br. Aidan’s return to India delayed for health reason.
28/03/1967 Br. Aidan SVD is in the Orthodontic Department in the clinic in Bonn.
31/07/1967 Bp. Simons of Indore Diocese writes to the City Collector regarding. Br. Aidan Courtney SVD is presently in Ireland. He has been presented a car ready to be fitted with the latest machines for dentistry.
11/12/1970 A letter of clarification regarding voucher for DM 4600 is sent to Br. Aidan from Germany
17/02/1972 Regional Superior Fr. Alois Kloepper SVD writes to Br. Aidan SVD regarding opening of new clinic near Agriculture College.
06/09/1975 Fr. Erick Rechwardt SVD writes to Superior General John Musinsky regarding medical treatment at Indore for Br. Aidan SVD
23/03/1977 Br. Aidan SVD writes to Superior General for Transfer from Indore Region in the line of slanderous charges against him after 19 years of stay in Indore.
05/05/1984 Home leave after 5 years for Br. Aidan SVD
20/06/1984 Embassy of Ireland sends a letter to Br. Aidan SVD regarding the imposed visa requirements on all Irish citizens entering or residing in India
10/10/1987 Provincial Fr. Leo Cornelio SVD gives permission to go aboard to receive necessary medical treatment.
22/04/1990 Fr. Provincial Ignatius Thottappilly SVD gives permission to Br. Aidan SVD to attend Congress of the IFD International Federation of Dentists in Singapore
19/09/1992 Br. Aidan SVD is assigned to the community at St. Arnold’s Seva Sadan.
06/07/1995 Provincial Fr. Charles Pinto SVD conveys the message that Frt. Michael Prakasam SVD has given interview for dentistry at Ludhiana to Br. Aidan SVD
29/11/1995 Maruti Car 800 is permitted to buy with automatic gear shift clutch and accelerator for manual operation suitable for Br. Aidan SVD.
16/11/1997 Vice Provincial Fr. A. Joe SVD writes to Fr. Scholz Joachim SVD, Sankt Augustine German regarding his arrival for treatment with Br. Hans Kieras SVD after Br. Aidan’s fall in the room
20/03/1998 Treatment at Cologne Steyl.
21/12/1999 Br. Aidan SVD dies at Roberts Nursing Home while undergoing treatment
27/01/2000 Indore Municipality Corporation gives death certificate for Br. John Aidan Courtney SVD.
01/06/2001 Fr. Michael Prakasam SVD goes for pursuing BDS, Indore
01/06/2005 Fr. Michael Prakasam SVD goes for pursuing MDS, Chennai.
01/06/2006 Br. Kalaimani Paulraj SVD is given permission to pursue BDS at Indore
12/07/2008 Fr. Michael Prakasam SVD joins St. Patrick’s Dental Clinic after MDS studies at Chennai. He joins as lecturer at Modern Dental College, Indore.
01/06/2011 Br. Kalaimani Paulraj SVD is given permission to purses MDS studies at Indore.
17/11/2012 Br. Joseph Kallakavunkal SVD goes for cancer treatment at Mangalore.
15/11/2013 Br. Joseph Kallakaunkal SVD returns from rest and recuperation and joins the community.
Confreres who have worked and are working:
Name of the Confrere | Post / Assignment | Year |
Br. Aiden Curteny | Director | 1971-1991 |
Bro. Joseph Kallakvaunkal | Training and Assistant | 1972-1978 |
Bro. Joseph Kallakvaunkal | Assistant Director | 1982-1981 |
Bro. Joseph Kallakvaunkal | Director | 1991-… |
Fr. Alangaram Michael Prakasam | Reader, Modern Dental College, Indore | 20012-… |
Fr. Alangaram Michael Prakasam | Assistant Director | 2008-… |
Fr. Alangaram Michael Prakasam | Lecturer, Modern Dental College, Indore | 2008-2012 |
Bro. Kalaimani Paulraj | Dentist | 2009-2011 |