
To grow as a participatory community of vibrant Christian families, nourishing ourselves on the Word of God and the Sacraments, and proclaiming and propagating gospel values and creation of a just society of Human person living with respect and dignity free from any type of oppression and exploitation.


To renew the Christian family, to make the parish a fully participatory community, to make the parish a self reliant community and to build up human communities based on Gospel values through various apostolate such as Education, health service, family visit and prayer and social service.

 How it all started

Ogna mission was started to take care of the few catholic families spread out in and around Ogna village and for those catechumen who come to church. The faith response of the people is very Nirmala nikjeencouraging. The mission has around 150 people regularly coming for Sunday liturgy though many are not baptized Christians. On feast days and special occasion the attendance go up to three hundred and more. These Catholics and catechumens are spread out in 35 villages. We organize holy mass in every village at times. We also have basic Christian communities in the villages. Prayer service and festivals are also celebrated in various villages on various occasions. We also care for the sick, old and dying. Many people come to church for healing. Very often we have Bhajan-mandli (singing of hymns and bhajans with explanation) in villages. We too organize camp for different age groups of children and adults for faith formation.

Ogan mission was part a part of Jhadol mission. Fr. Habil Lakra SVD, as the Assistant Parish Priest of Jhadol mission, was given in charge of the Ogna Mission to start. Three years he stayed in Jhadol and took care of the pastoral needs of the Ogna Mission. Later, he rented a room in Ogna town and started to live there. As he lived, he faced a lot challenges and opposition from RSS. They burnt all his belongs. He was saved by a catholic nurse who was staying in Ogna. Once again he shifted his residence and took care of the pastoral needs. He purchased a plot of land in 1997 and built a small house. He invited Ventruna Sisters and SSpS Sisters to be part of Ogna Mission. Both refused to collaborate. In 2002, he started a non formal education.   In 2004, he built a building for the bringing Sisters to help him out in the mission. In 2006, with the arrival of SRA Sisters, they began new hostel for the boys and girls and Fulpledged School named Assunta Bhavan Primary School in collaboration with the CDESU (Catholic Diocesan Educational Society of Udaipur). In 2002 Br. John Menezes went to assist Fr. Habil in his non formal education and hostel. Girls’ hostel was built in 2007. In 2008, Fr. Sania Surin SVD, as Assistant Parish Priest was appointed for the same purpose.   In 2011, Fr. Paskhal Tirkey SVD was appointed as Assistant Parish Priest who succeeded later as Parish Priest.

Mile stones:

1996         Ogna Mission was looked after by Fr. Habil Lakra SVD

1997         Fr. Habil Lakra SVD was appointed as Parish Priest

2002         Non- Formal education started. Br. John Menezes SVD was appointed to assist.

2004         Convent was built

2006         Arrival of SRA Sisters. School came to existence.

2007         Girls Hostel was blessed.

2011         A small land was bought by the Society of the Divine Word behind the existing hostel. Fr. Pashkal Tirkey SVD was appointed as Assistant Parish Priest

2012         Fr. Pashkal Tirkey SVD was appointed as Parish Priest

2013         New Boys’ Hostel was blessed by Most Rev. Devprasad Ganawa SVD and inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel SVD, the Vice Provincial.

Name of the Confreres



Fr. Sania Surin

Assistant Parish Priest


Fr. Sania Surin

Assistant Parish Priest


Fr. Pascal Tirkey

Assistant Parish Priest


Br. John Menezes

Hostel In-Charge


Fr. Habil Lakra

Parish Priest


Fr. Pascal Tirkey

Parish Priest


Br. John Menezes

Staff Member


Fr. Amit Tete

Asst. Parish Priest


Fr. Abianus Tigga

Parish Priest