Sat Prachar Press
“Sat Prachar” To preach the Word of God through Printing Media.
To make available Catholic Literature for the people with dedicated service, by quality of production and customers’ satisfaction.
How it all started
From the very beginning the Divine Word Missionaries had the idea of establishing a Catholic Press. Father Leo Krzeminski SVD was pastor of Mhow and chaplain to the military. The Army was auctioning its old hand press. It went up to four hundred rupees (nearly $100). Rumor has it that Father had barely enough for the next day’s meal. That was getting a little too much for Fr. Leo. He called out to the auctioneer, “Hey what’s the idea making money on your own Chaplain? Bid one more rupee, said the auctioneer, and the press is yours”. That day, the mission procured its first printing machine. But there was no place to begin the great work. Finally a small corner under the staircase of the school was given for this purpose. There, Bro. Hadrian SVD began printing Catholic literature. After two years the press was moved into the adjoining room.
In 1946 our small printing shop was lifted from the dark and damp basement of the school at Mhow and transferred to more spacious quarters in Indore. It was the special aim to produce a much needed Catholic Literature for our Hindi speaking Catholics. Soon our press had so much worked on hand that an extension became imperative. It was started in fact to economically print the books on cultural anthropology, written by Fr. Stephen Fuchs after painstaking research done by him in this field. The thinking was that if the books were printed in our own press it would save a couple of thousand Rupees in course of time. An old printing press was bought and was installed in the parish house in Indore as there was hardly any place for this in Mhow. Next, a second- hand small cylinder press bought in Jhansi was added to the first press. A small piece of land to establish the press permanently was needed. Thanks to several attempts made by Fr. Francis Simons and thanks to the kindness of the British Resident Campbell, a piece of land measuring nearly a hectare (about two acres) in the PWD store yard area of Indore was acquired. It was in fact a gift from the Resident Campbell before he left Indore. The foundation for the press was laid in early 1947 and this construction work took nearly the whole year and finally on 13th December 1947 Br. Hadrian started living in the new building. In 1947 the first section of the present building was erected. New machinery was installed and the press true to its name – Sat Prachar which means ‘Preaching the Truth’, began to disseminate the Catholic faith through well printed books, pamphlets, magazines and calendars. In 1950, the press was enlarged to double its former size and again more machines were installed so that Sat Prachar Press is now one of the biggest and best established in the city of Indore. Bro. Hadrian SVD, Br. Francis SVD and Br. Amabilis SVD were in charge of the press at various times.
Br. Charles SVD who was at the manager, had been working in this press for nearly ten years. He was doing a wonderful job. Br. Dominic SVD, the engineer, is contributing valuable assistance. The press is managed and staffed by our own missionary Brothers and some lay helpers, who all dedicate their lives to the noble task of the Catholic Press Apostolate.
Several SVDs had mastered Hindi and were beginning to write booklets and books for religious instruction and catechetics. To support their venture, at first a small hand press was installed at Mhow. Sat Prachar Press in keeping with the times was not only a printing shop but was also a publisher of good and religious literature. Within no time, the press established a name in the Hindi speaking area not only for its publications but also for quality printing. It grew in strength in this task during the fifties. It was able to provide low-priced catechetical liturgical biblical and apostolic literature. Before 1950 most of the Roman Ritual was translated into Hindi by Fr. Wald SVD. This translation was warmly welcomed by others in the Hindi speaking area. Several important titles were written and published by divine Word Missionaries. Some other them were: A short Church history in Hindi, translation of German Catechism to Hindi and score of books by Fr. Wald SVD, Khristayan, Khrist Katha, Mukti Marg, Mukti Bhajan several stories and dramatic plays by George Proksch, Imitation of Christ by Fr. Mocha, Sunday Lectionary in Hindi together with several lives of saints by Bp. Westermann. This trend continued till 1965 and it reached its high point with the publication of the whole catholic Bible in Hindi for the first time. After this initial output there was a period of stagnation in the printing and publishing activities of divine Word Missionaries until the divine Word publications were revived independently of Sat Prachar Press by Fr. Clarence Srambical SVD.
Since 90s Press is being updated from Letter Press machines with the modernized machines so called Offset Printing Machines, together with DTP Section and Plate Processing Section with expose machines. At present there are 5 Offset printing machines, three cutting machines, one perfect binding machine, one thread stitching machine and one punching machine. There are 5 computers for DTP work, one scanner, one printer and one printer cum photocopier. One each computer in Manager and Treasurer’s office. There is a Generator for any emergency power failure.
Since 2008 Press has been running in business entity and no more charitable institution. Planning and future of the Press is always discussed in the Board Meeting and according to the direction of Board Press is executed. Under taken jobs are planned and executed by the staff.
Indore is quite advanced in printing Technology, there are more than 80 registered Presses and most of them are associated through (IMPA) Indore Masters Printers Association. So customers have multiple choices for choosing the Presses for their printing jobs. There is a great competition among the Presses; some go for printing with very minimum price in order to capture customers.
Miles Stones
1945 Father Leo Krzeminski SVD was pastor of Mhow and chaplain to the military. The Army was auctioning its old hand press. It went up to four hundred rupees (nearly $100). That was getting a little too much for Fr. Leo Krzeminski SVD. He called out to the auctioneer, “Hey what’s the idea making money on your own Chaplain? ‘Bid one more rupee’, said the auctioneer, “and the press is yours”. That day, the mission procured its first printing machine. But there was no place to begin the great work. Finally a small corner under the staircase of the school was given for this purpose. There, Bro. Hadrian SVD began printing Catholic literature. After two years the press was moved into the adjoining room.
20/12/1946 In 1946 our small printing shop was lifted from the dark and damp basement of the school at Mhow and transferred to more spacious quarters in Indore. It was the special aim to produce a much needed Catholic Literature for our Hindi speaking Catholics. Soon our press had so much worked on hand that an extension became imperative. In 1947 the first section of the present building was erected.
03/01/1947 The first section of the present building was erected at Residency Area, 1 CPWD Workshop Road
04/01/1947 Bro. Hadrian SVD, Br. Francis SVD and Br. Amabilis SVD were in charge of the press at various times.
11/06/1947 Lease agreement signed between the Residency Area Authority Indore and Director General of Indore Catholic Missions for 10 years at the rate of Rs. 86 and Annas 7 per year for land measuring 1.88 acres (81892.80 sq. ft)
01/10/1957 Br. Charles SVD who was the manager had been working in this press for nearly ten years. He was doing a wonderful job. Br. Dominic SVD, the engineer, is contributing valuable assistance. The press is managed and staffed by our own missionary Brothers and some lay helpers, who all dedicate their lives to the noble task of the Catholic Press Apostolate.
01/10/1958 Lease amount paid for one year without renewal of agreement.
01/09/1958 Br. Peter Kullu SVD is appointed as staff to composing and Monotype Setting department till 1994.
01/06/1962 Br. Polycarp Tirkey SVD is appointed as compositor and proof reader. Eventually he is appointed as the manager of the press till 1974
12/06/1962 The above plot of land is divided between two sisters’ institutions: St. Paul School taking 0.97 acres (42253.2 sq.ft) and Sat Prachar Press taking 0.91 acres (39639.4 sq. ft)
03/03/1965 Application filed at the Municipal Corporation for renewal of lease agreement.
03/06/1965 Br. Herbert Raich SVD joins the press after training and working at England, Ireland.
01/06/1975 Br. Benjamin Kerketta SVD is appointed as the accountant in the press.
18/01/1978 Application filed at the Municipal Corporation for renewal of lease agreement.
18/01/1979 Application filed at the Municipal Corporation for renewal of lease agreement.
28/02/1979 Letter No. 1639 from the Municipal Office received asking Sat Prachar Press to say Rs. 18.178.00 and St. Paul School to pay Rs. 19.376.00
14/04/1980 Sat Prachar Press and St. Paul School paid the amount with a note of protest and the amount charged was considered to be too high.
21/07/1980 Petition filed at the office of the secretary Local Self-Government, Bhopal to review the lease rent rate levied from Sat Prachar Press.
01/06/1980 Satprakashan (The Divine Word Publication) is shifted to near Bhanwarkua Police Station.
01/06/1980 Fr. George Payattikkatt is appointed as the assistant Manager.
01/06/1981 Fr. George Payattikkatt SVD is appointed as the Manager.
01/06/1982 Br. Herbert is appointed as the manager of the press.
26/03/1983 Municipality receives approval from Bhopal to renew the lease agreement of St. Paul School at 1/8 of the normal leaves rent and at full rate for Sat Prachar Press.
01/06/1984 Br. Benjamin Kerketta SVD is appointed again as the accountant and secretary of the press.
09/05/1985 By letter no. 417, Municipality informs Sat Prachar Press to clear the arrears of rents due before 26/03/1983 after which a lease agreement can be signed at the full rate of Rs. 15.228.00 per year. St. Paul School is allowed to pay the arrears and renew lease at 1/8 of the normal lease rent.
14/05/1985 A petition is made to the Secretary, Local Self Government, Bhopal to revise the leviable rent rate.
18/05/1985 Sat Prachar Press writes back stating that the amount Rs. 15,228.00 is not only too high but also incorrect. Even at the rate the municipality was charging the amount would only total Rs. 14,258.00 and not 15,228.00. It is also stated that a request for revision of the lease amount is filled at the Secretariat in Bhopal. Further a request was made to furnish information as to the amount due from Sat Prachar Press till 31.03.1983
18/09/1989 Sat Prachar Press requests Municipal Corporation to renew the lease agreement as according to the order of M.P. Government dated 26/03/1983
21/12/1989 Fr. Chacko T.J. SVD returned armed with an M .A. in Mass Communication Research from the Leicester University England as the Manager of the Sat Prachar Press.
04/01/1990 Municipal Corporation sends a letter asking to pay Rs. 1,09,694.00 as arrears of the past and then proceed with the lease execution.
09/01/1990 Sat Prachar Press pays the requested amount through the Society of the Divine Word and again requests for the lease renewal.
07/05/1990 After a lot of delays and wavering, the municipals corporation finally signed the lease deed for a 30 year period starting in 1983 (the year in which the State Government had given approval for renewal of lease at full commercial rate.
01/06/1990 Br. Emmanuel Bilung SVD is appointed for press training as DTP Operator.
01/06/1990 Br. Benjamin Kerketta SVD is appointed as the Praeses of the SVD Community and accountant in the press.
01/07/1990 Br. Herbert Raich SVD is appointed as the in-charge Printing Department in the press.
23/06/1990 Considerations regarding new living quarters for Sat Prachar Press SVD Community. We are allowed to utilize 1/3 of the area for buildings. At present we have about 2000 sq. ft of land which can still be utilized for building. In case we do not make use of this area, it might acquired by the municipality especially when the city gets crowded. If acquired, other buildings could be erected in front of the press which could block our view.
13/09/1990 Fr. Thomas Thalachira SVD is appointed by the Provincial Fr. Ignatius T. SVD to inquire into the alleged misconduct of Mr. Pramod Saini in Satprachar Press
21/11/1991 Sat Prachar Press Indore: Modernization: Permission sought by the Provincial, Fr. Ignatius Thottappilly SVD to Rev. Fr. Superior General. The Austrian Government with the help of Dreikoenigsaction der Kaatholischen Jungschar Oesterreichs has agreed to give a grant of USA 230000 to modernize the equipment in the press.
01/06/1993 Br. Andrew Kiro SVD is transferred to Vidyodaya after 40 years of service at the Binding Department.
01/06/1993 Fr. George Thottian SVD is appointed as Computer Operator and Assistant Manager till 2007
06/09/1993 Fr. Casmir Damor SVD is assigned for one year at Sat Prachar Press
22/12/1993 Fr. Provincial Charles Pinto SVD writes to the Praeses, to consider adopting Madri Station by the Press Community.
17/05/1993 Mono Type machine is sold in the absence of the operator, Br. Peter Kullu SVD.
04/04/1994 Br. Benjamin Kerketta SVD, the Praeses writes back to the provincial welcoming the proposal and adopting it agreeing to give Rs. 50,000.00 every year.
01/06/1994 Br. Peter Kullu SVD is appointed in the binding department and works till 2002.
20/12/1994 Sat Prachar Press on the fast track: one medium size 12”x18” offset machine) Swift 300 Deluxe) made in Bombay has recently been added to the array of technical up gradations. It can print at the rate of 7500 per hour. Now the press has 5 Offset machines of various sizes, capabilities and in the computer section an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature is added.
17/05/1996 Bp. Abraham Viruthakulangara, Khandwa diocese writes to the Praeses, Br. Benjamin Kerketta SVD regarding the accommodation for Fr. Thomas MT for MSW studies.
19/08/1996 Br. Emmanuel Bilung SVD is appointed as the Praeses of the community.
01/06/1997 Fr. Mohan Francis SVD is appointed as the Manager of the Press.
16/08/1997 Press is painted for the celebration of golden jubilee
18/11/2000 The Constitution of the Society of the Divine Word is printed.
20/07/2001 Fr. Augustine Kanjamala SVD, the then Provincial Superior writes to the Manager of the Press, Fr. Mohan regarding certain major errors in the recently printed Constitution of the Society of the Divine Word.
08/09/2002 Br. Kishore Bhai Toppo SVD passes away after prolonged illness. He worked in the press for long time.
07/07/2003 Br. Andrew Kiro SVD dies at Roberts Nursing Home, Indore.
01/06/2002 Br. Ashwin Kiro SVD is appointed as the Praeses of the community and in-charge of the binding department.
01/06/2005 Fr. Francis Mohan is transferred to St. Arnold’s Seva Sadan after many years of service as the Manager since 1997
01/06/2005 Fr. George Thottian SVD is appointed as the acting manager of the press.
01/06/2005 Fr. Lawrence Fernandes SVD is appointed as the secretary and treasurer in the press
25/07/2005 Br. Raju Soosai SVD is appointed as the Praeses of the community and in-charge of the Printing department.
01/06/2007 Br. Emmanuel Bilung SVD is appointed as the Manager of the press.
06/11/2007 Very Rev. Fr. Superior General SVD visits the press.
01/06/2006 Br. Peter Kullu SVD is appointed staff in the binding department after the break of two years from Dhar Parish.
10/09/2008 New HMT Two Colour machine from Ahmedabad is bought.
01/06/2008 Br. Emmanuel Bilung SVD is appointed as Praeses of the Community.
01/06/2008 Br. Benjamin Kerketta SVD is appointed as a staff in the binding department
01/06/2009 Fr. Ajit Kumar Toppo SVD is appointed as designer in the computer department. Br. Raju Soosai SVD is transferred to St. Arnold’s Seva Sadan as the secretary to the provincial superior.
01/06/2011 Fr. Lawrence Fernandes SVD is transferred to Satprakashan. Fr. Lucas Gaspar SVD from Philippines joins the press as the secretary and treasurer at the press.
01/06/2012 The Office of the Word Among Us is shifted from Sat Prakashan and occupies a hall in the ground floor of St. Joseph’s Niwas.
20/12/2012 Br. Peter Kullu leaves for holidays.
19/01/2013 Br. Peter Kullu SVD passes away at Tunmura on the way back to the Press
Name of the Confreres | Post / Assignment | Year |
Br. Benjamin Kerketta | Accountant | 1975-1980 |
Br. Benjamin Kerketta | Accountant and Secretary | 1984-1997 |
Fr. George Thottian | Acting Manager | 2005-2007 |
Fr. George Payattikatt | Assistant Manager | 1980-1981 |
Fr. George Thottian | Assistant Manager | 1993-2007 |
Fr. Joseph Chetany | Chaplain | 1976-1976 |
Fr. Chakkungal Joseph Devanad | Chaplain | 1986-1988 |
Fr. Henry Naria | Divine Word Publications | 1976-1977 |
Fr. Ajit Toppo | Graphic Designer | 2009- |
Br. Amabilis | In-chage | 1956-1957 |
Fr. Leo Krzeminski | In-charge | 1947-1949 |
Br. Hadrain | In-charge | 1949-1949 |
Br. Francis | In-charge | 1949-1956 |
Br. Raich Herbert | In-charge of Printing Department | 1965-1981 |
Br. Raich Herbert | In-charge of Printing Department | 1990-2004 |
Br. Raju Soosai | In-charge of Printing Department | 2004-2009 |
Br. Charles | Manager | 19571962 |
Fr. George Payattikatt | Manager | 1981-1982 |
Br. Raich Herbert | Manager | 1982-1990 |
Fr. Chacko Thottumarickal | Manager | 1989-1996 |
Fr. Francis Mohan Nechimalayil | Manager | 1996-2005 |
Br. Emmanuel Bilung | Manager | 2007-.. |
Br. Emmanuel Bilung | Manager & Praeses | 2008-… |
Br. Pollycarp Tirkey | Manger, Proof Reader | 1962-1974 |
Br. Andrew Kiro | Praeses | |
Br. Peter Kullu | Praeses | |
Br. Benjamin Kerketta | Praeses | 1990-1996 |
Br. Ashwin Kiro | Praeses | 2001-2005 |
Br. Raju Soosai | Praeses | 2005-2008 |
Br. Emmanuel Bilung | Press Training, DTP, Praeses | 1990-2002 |
Fr. Lawrence Fernandes | Procurator | 2005-2011 |
Br. John Menezes | Staff Member | 1954-1956 |
Br. Lawrence Dangwar | Staff Member | 1962-1967 |
Br. Junifer (Joachim) Kerketta | Staff Member | 1963-1964 |
Br. Pius Kerketta | Staff Member | 1989-1990 |
Br. Ashwin Kiro | Staff member | 1997-2005 |
Br. Benjamin Kerketta | Staff member | 2008-2010 |
Br. Jose Manthottam | Staff Member | 2010-2010 |
Br. Justin Lakra | Staff Member | 2013-… |
Fr. Swaminathan S. | Staff Member, Studies | 1999-2000 |
Br. Raju Soosai | Technical Training | 2001-2002 |
Fr. Gaspar Lucas | Treasurer and Secretary | 2011-… |
Fr. Mathew Chamarapally | Treasurer and Secretary | 2002-2005 |