Radiating the Light of the Word to foster Rootedness in Christ, to Strengthen Faith, to Celebrate Contemplation, to Effect Reconciliation, and to extend generous Hospitality
As Missionaries of the Divine Word radiating the Light of the Word, we commit ourselves to provide a welcoming environment to all who seek for a life of wellness, wholeness, togetherness, and holiness. We achieve this through nurturing retreat experiences in nature’s womb sustained through constant accompaniment, compassionate listening, and unprejudiced acceptance aimed at awakening a sense of the Divine, healing brokenness and nurturing a culture of respect and all-inclusiveness for holistic human development.
Divya Dham is a Retreat Centre of SVD India-East Province (INE) situated on an 8-acre landscape with lush green ambiance in Jharusguda, in the state of Odisha. It enjoys the best commute as it is on national highway 49 that connects Jharsuguda to Belpahar and Raigarh. Divya Dham is 11.7kms away from Veer Surendra Sai Airport, Jharsuguda, 5.7kms away from Jharsuguda Junction railway station, and 7.4kms away from Jharsuguda bus stand. Purchased in the year 2003, this land is envisaged to be a place that radiates Catholic faith, quenches the thirst for the Word Divine, catalyses integral renewal of persons and welcomes people of good will to experience God who embraces all. Divya Dham, with a perfect blend of silence and simplicity, is an excellent place for retreat and renewal aimed at transformation.
Divya Dham has been recognized by Catholic faithful of the vicinity as a place of experiencing the Divine. Common folk call this place as “Jesu Mandir,” meaning the Temple of Jesus. Even though Divya Dham was blessed by Bishop John Barwa SVD, the then Bishop of Rourkela, on January 29, 2010, and was inaugurated by Late Fr. Joseph Topno, SVD, the then Provincial Superior of INE, there were no confreres residing in the plot. A handful of laity, especially women, of St. Arnold Catholic Church, Jharsuguda, accompanied and animated by SVD confrere(s) residing in the Provincial House, would visit Divya Dham on Saturdays and spend time in prayer. It was only on September 02, 2013 that Fr. Eusebius Rudolf Crasta SVD and Late Fr. Mathew Pulukatt SVD, taking up the role of the director and assistant director respectively, began to reside in the small farm house that was built by the previous owners of the property. Since then, Fr. Sunder Tandi SVD, Fr. Christopher John SVD, and Fr. Christu Raja Sekar SVD have served as assistant directors. Although not assigned any office, for a short time, late Fr. Alphonse Dung Dung SVD, who was waiting for his appointment to India-Guwahati Region (ING) and Late Fr. Roshan Ekka SVD spent a few months at Divya Dham. Currently, Fr. Eusebius Rudolf Crasta SVD serves as the director while Fr. Dixson Lawrence D’Souza SVD serves as the assistant director cum Treasurer. Hence till date a total of 6 confreres have offered their services at Divya Dham.
Structurally what exists is an old priest’s residence that has seen through some renovation, one-roomed structure that serves as staff quarters, a grotto of Our Lady of Fatima situated near the entrance to Divya Dham, common toilet section, and an open hall that caters to night vigils, retreats cum renewal programmes, and discourses. The five-bedded dormitory within the confines of the priest’s residence and a single self-contained room is all that we have to avail to those who wish to make their residential retreat. On weekends, Catholic faithful from nearby parishes and sub-stations participate in the prayer cum healing services held either in the chapel within the confines of the priest’s residence or in the convention hall. This place, which is wrapped up with a sense of austerity in the womb of Mother Nature, is a destination to many who wish to undergo counselling, spiritual direction, or go on a Lenten pilgrimage. Divya Dham also hosts retreats and recollections to formanees of many Congregations and to lay faithful. Due to regular prayer services on weekends and on days of importance, Divya Dham is often visited by people. In terms of its structural and functional viability, Divya Dham is still in its genesis.
For the faithful of nearby parishes, a three-day charismatic Lenten retreat was organised by Divya Dham from March 10-12, 2023. Fr. Eusebius Rudolf Crasta SVD and Fr. Dixson Lawrence D’Souza SVD guided this retreat laying emphasis on the following themes: Holiness of life, Return to the Lord, Beware of the Enemy, Lying: The most frequented sin, and Responding to the voice of the Good Shepherd. With a blend of talks and witnessing, praise and worship, intercessions and surrender, with inner-healing sessions and adorations coupled with the traditional Way of the Cross, Marian rosary, and Divine Mercy rosary, the participants journeyed together towards renewal, reconciliation, and rejuvenation. A total of 70 participants from St. Arnold’s Church, Jharsuguda, St. Francis Xavier Church, Brajrajnagar, Catholic Church, Sundargarh, and Catholic Church, Belpahar, attended this three-day charismatic Lenten retreat and returned back thanking and praising God.
To facilitate a genuine preparation for Christmas, Divya Dham organised one-day recollection to Christ’s faithful of nearby parishes on December 10, 2022. Being the feast day of Our Lady of Loretto, the recollection began with the rosary praying for peace between Ukraine and Russia. Fr. Dixson Lawrence D’Souza SVD invited the participants to look at Christmas as that event where God offered the best He had and the best He could. Taking a roll down the scriptures, Fr. Dixson not only presented God as the One who expects that humanity offers the best but as the One who took the first step in offering the best. This served as an invitation to all participants to recollect whether they had preserved their heart’s purity by offering the best they could to mend brokenness, to nurture relationships, to spare time to reconcile, to exhibit generosity in appreciating or extending a fraternal correction. Fr. Dixson helped the participants realise the causes behind not being able to offer their best. Fear of Failure, hyper-anxiety, lethargy, attitude of remaining contented with the bare minimum, and the ‘I’-syndrome were stated as the probable or possible causes.
With the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr. Eusebius Rudolph Crasta SVD guided the participants for the sacrament of confession. After a short lunch break, we gathered to celebrate the Holy Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Rudolph. In his homily he helped the participants realise the power in God’s Word as exhibited through the ministry of prophet Elijah and John the Baptist. Presenting Mother Mary as a model of simplicity and total obedience, he invited the gathering to take repose to the devotion to the Rosary and by constantly praying the rosary emerge as peacemakers in this broken and wounded world. The Inner healing session formed the final part of the recollection.
The whole day was spent in Divine providence. A total of 65 participants from St. Arnold’s Church- Jharsuguda, St. Francis Xavier Dehat (substation)-Bhrajrajnagar, and Catholic Church, Sundargarh participated and benefitted from this spiritual journey.
Fr. Dixson Lawrence D’Souza SVD
- Main Ministry: To radiate the Light of the Word through Retreats and Renewal Programmes and through spiritual direction
- Weekly Ministry: We take turns in presiding over the Holy Eucharist at Snehodaya Samaritan Convent, Dipupara, Jharsuguda on every Wednesday and at St. Joseph Convent, Jharsuguda, on every Saturday. On every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month, Fr. Rudolf presides over the Holy Eucharist at Brajrajnagar out-station of St. Arnold Catholic Church, Jharsuguda. Every Saturdays, we organise at Divya Dham adoration, prayer service, discourse, and healing sessions.
- Monthly Ministry: We avail themselves for the Sacrament of confessions at Don Bosco Yuva Kendra, Jharsuguda. Every month Fr. Rudolf avails himself for recollection & confessions at Sacred Heart Convent, Jharsuguda.
- Preaching Ministry through Retreats/Novenas: We organise annual retreats during Advent & Lent and preach/guide retreats in preparation for First/Final Profession, Diaconate, Priestly Ordination and Jubilees. The yearly novena in honour of Our Lady of Fatima attracts a big crowd.
- Teaching Ministry: Dixson Lawrence D’Souza SVD is a visiting professor of Sacred Theology at Khristo Jyoti Mohavidyaloyo (KJM), Sason, Sambalpur, and offers courses on Theology and Spirituality of Christian Friendship, Spirituality of Priesthood, and History of Christian Spirituality.
- Healing Ministry through Spiritual Direction, Counselling, and Inner Healing: Priests, religious men and women, formees, laity, as well as people of different faiths and faith-traditions approach Fr. Eusebius Rudolf Crasta SVD for timely inner healing, counselling, spiritual direction, and discernment. Fr. Rudolf also accompanies many individuals as well as families to be healed of alcoholism, depression, brokenness, meaninglessness, etc.
- Outsourcing Resourcefulness: Rudolf and Fr. Dixson move out to guide retreats and conduct workshops cum seminars in parishes and schools.
- Responding to the Cry of Mother Earth: Rudolf invests much of his time in transforming Divya Dham into the healthy lung of Jharsuguda. WHO’s clean air guideline for PM2.5 is 25µg/m3. According to airquality.com, in Jharsuguda the forecast is 71µg/m3 as industries and factories are throbbing in the vicinity. Fr. Rudolf through his concerted efforts over the years, with the help of the gardener, has planted fruit saplings and preserved bamboo bushes. He continues to preserve soil through cultivating seasonal vegetables and fruits. As part of rain-water harvesting and to cater to increasing the ground water level, we have directed the water flowing from the roof towards the open well.
- One self-contained Room
- One dormitory with five beds
Fr. Eusebius Rudolf Crasta SVD
Mobile : +91 9337142695
WhatsApp: +91 9437861399
Assistant Director & Treasurer
Fr. Dixson Lawrence D’Souza SVD
Mobile : +91 8658353346
WhatsApp : +91 9439277248
E-Mail ID: divyadhamkatapali@gmail.com

Thank You Lord Jesus